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Do you know about Nasty Gal? The super amazing store for the best clothing ever, and the place I order from frequently to get all these clothes I blog about. I love Nasty Gal a lot as you can see, but have you ever wondered when I began my journey through the Nasty Galaxy? The short answer is, the first time I ordered from Nasty Gal was in August 2013. I saw a dress that I absolutely HAD to have, and after checking back again I saw that it was on sale, so I ordered it; I was really excited to finally getting a piece of clothing from there. Let’s look at this iconic dress. I have had this dress for 3 years but this photoshoot is from this week (October 2016) and as you can see this is still a gem.

Simplicity is Key

I remember I put this dress on my Wanelo in like mid 2013 and then came across it when I was scrolling through my saves, and I saw that it had gone on sale. I had wanted really badly to finally get something from Nasty Gal, I admired everything about the company. So I bought this dress. I think I’ve worn it maybe 10-15 times in the last 3 years, and that’s a lot for a dress considering I hardly wore any last year. This dress is called “Simplicity is Key” and the photoshoot is called “Flauntation is Key”.

I threw on my pleather Alley Kat jacket but mostly kept it off. This dress is beautifully backless, hence the reason why I wore my Nippies x black lace pasties. I think everything about this is awesome; I accessorized with 3 sparkly silver bracelets and Abbey Dawn studded boots. And of course my nails are glossed by Julep, with the color Jean.

This dress is so unbelievably comfortable, and I love the way it fits me. The last thing to mention is my iPhone case, I recently got it (from Nasty Gal; the brand is Skinny Dip) and it’s called the Britney case (because it’s hot pink snakeskin print) and I’m obsessed. So there’s my very first order from Nasty Gal!

But honestly, I don’t even think my next order was able to happen until early 2016. When I decided I really wanted more from the site, I placed an order, with these shoes/boots that went on sale and a crop top that is actually in my top 5 of favorite shirts that I own (and I own hundreds, so that’s saying something). The boots are pretty versatile, they’re Privleged and there’s a top section that’s removable. I briefly showed the boots (without the top part) in my blog post Glory, in like one picture lol (in my Invitation photoshoot). But I also made these a big part of my Sia Concert post (in the photoshoot Sia Later). It’s crazy that I don’t have any photoshoots with the red crop top since I love it so much, but what the heck, I’ll get to that eventually! Here’s some examples of my shoe pics, along with one random picture I took a car with Ally where I was wearing the top, the only picture I have taken with my Lumix of this shirt hahaha.

And here’s some iPhone pictures of various times I’ve worn the red crop top plus a random iPhone mirror pic of the Simplicity dress.

And I was like, hey this stuff is amazing! So in April I placed my third order for Nasty Gal. I think that’s right around the time where I started blogging more frequently and with more new Nasty outfits. I got a red lace shirt, a blue velvet shirt, and a metal studded skirt. I included all of those in my Seth MacFarlane Symphony but only by iPhone pics. Well, I did include the blue velvet shirt in my Summer Heat post (in the Night Flare photoshoot) so I’ll include a couple of those too. Should I do official photoshoots with the other two? Let me know in the comments!

So those were the very first 3 orders I ever got from Nasty Gal. Thus began my passion for blogging, and now I usually buy from Nasty Gal twice a month. Do you not shop at Nasty Gal? Why? You’re really missing out!